Wednesday, 6 February 2008

How to deal with obstacles

I was just hanging around, the other day, minding my own business, when this ugly round shaped brown-greenish bad breathed thing just appeared in front of me without showing any intention to step aside and let me ... you know, proceed to ... whatever I was up to.

"Gee" I looked at it with probably not too flattering expression of my face "What, on earth, are you?"

"I'm an obstacle in your life! Ha-ah ha!" it sounded like ... can't really say, awful, horrible! I mean I've seen obstacles in my life before, but this! This one was, like, really nasty!

"I'm an obstacle in your life and now I'm gonna ruin all your plans and you will not be able to proceed with whatever you wanted to do until you deal with me dude!"

"Yeah, right, so you claim" but I was more like mumbling into beard and nodding then really talking to it. Frankly, I was kinda caught by surprise here, I mean I've never saw it coming. We all know they do come from time to time and there are these small ones that can be just kicked off the way. But this one! It was kinda almost bigger than me. Really, big ugly one, this obstacle.

"And that's not all! There is a whole bunch of them that came here with me. C'mon guys, you can show up now!" It behind it's back when, like ,five or even six of them appeared just of nowhere and started to move towards me.

"So" I said "Why did you come into my way?"

"Because." The main one starred at me with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, well, that's a hell of a good argumentation. But here's what I'll do. I will BLOG about you. A-ha!" I wasn't really sure where was I going with this but I had to move fast before they just smash me. They were kinda scary I have to admit that.

"Yeah? And what good will that do?" A little smile started to show on the corner of her ... mouth? Ah, whatever that was...

"What good will that do? I'll tell you what good will that do. It will do ... great, because when I write and talk about you you become smaller and smaller. And that's not all, I just ran out of ideas on what was I to write about in my blog and I'll use you as a topic of my post, so thank you guys for helping me out there."

I felt I was re-gaining control of the situation.

"And that's not all, I will use you as a the opportunity to show myself how capable I am of dealing with obstacles, even big ones, like you guys. Sooner or later I will prevail. Or I will die in the battle - honorably. So, you won't see me begging for mercy of something like that if that's what you were hoping for."

It looked a bit surprised I must say. I mean that was the biggest one I ever saw, I guess I should have been impressed.

So, what I'm saying here guys, use the obstacles as they can show you what material are you really built of. Use them to help you to become a better person.

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